☆ MXT Followers AIO - Season 1 [フォロワー] ID:140621 Adult-Only Author:maxiteo 2025-02-26 04:24 Version:1.3
TAG: [フォロワー追加] [複数フォロワー] [女性フォロワー] [Female] [ESPFE] [CBBE] [BHUNP] [AIO]
MXT Followers AIO - Season 1
・Backported Extended ESL Support
・MXT's Resource Pool
・MXT's Megumi - Remastered - High Poly Standalone Spellsword Follower
・MXT's Mion - Remastered - High Poly Standalone Assassin Follower
・Sundered Souls - Standalone Follower Pack - CBBE - BHUNP - High Poly Preset
・Shamone - Dual Wielding Redguard Standalone Follower - CBBE - BHUNP - High Poly - Racemenu Preset - ESP-FE
・Juliana - High Poly Breton Archer follower - CBBE - BHUNP - Racemenu Preset - ESP-FE
・Juliada - High Poly Breton Necromancer - CBBE - BHUNP - Serana or Illia Replacer - ESP-FE
・Saint and Seducer - Eriza and Arali - High Poly Dremora Followers - CBBE - BHUNP - ESP-FE
・MXT Xiao Ling - Swordswoman Follower and Presets - CBBE - BHUNP - ESP-FE -
・Anabella - High Poly Standalone Tank Follower and Presets - CBBE - BHUNP- ESP-FE
・Bustinia Pole-Crusher - Yet another vanilla-voiced High Poly Follower
・MXT Clarenthia - High Poly Thief Follower
・MXT Jen - High Poly Follower - CBBE - BHUNP - ESP-FE
・MXT Demi - High Poly Follower - CBBE - BHUNP - ESP-FE
・MXT Solivia - High Poly Imperial Battlemage Follower mod - BHUNP - CBBE - RaceMenu Preset - ESP-FESkyrim Special Edition Nexus, maxiteo. 26 Feb 2025. MXT Followers AIO - Season 1. 2 Feb 2025 <https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/140621>.スポンサーリンク
Adult-OnlyのMODはNEXUSのAdult contentを許可する事で表示されます。
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